Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Halloween '11

So Halloween is o-v-e-r! =( It was madness here in NYC. I didn't make it to the Halloween Parade in the village this year welp! but I did hit the streets to get my trick or treatin on! lol *soo kidding* I was just interested in seeing the various costumes. Some people went all out! Below are some of my fave pics of the night. 

Below (Black Swan!!!)

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

NYC Street Style #2-Litas

Hi guys! Check out my Street Style video on youtube featuring Jeffery Campbell Litas!


Wednesday, October 12, 2011

RIP Steve Jobs

Hi guys!
 Monday I was out and about Soho catching some sun because for some reason mother nature decided that she was gonna have a summer day in the fall. I certainly was not complaining. Anyway, while walking I saw a crowd at the Apple store and on reaching closer I realised people or fans I should say of Steve Jobs made a memorial for him outside the store. As you will see in the pictures below a lot of people wrote post it notes, sent flowers, art, candles and even apples. I thought the apples were quite adorable. 
I also have pics of inside the store because I know there are some fanatics out there who probably wonder what inside is like.
To me when I go in there I feel like I'm in a free world. No one bothers you and you can simply 'test' the products as long as you like I guess lol I think some people go there to use the free net though smh

(Below) Apparently these people were watching a film. Anyone could have walked in to watch it.

Friday, September 30, 2011

San Genarro Food Festival + Bits of Olive Garden

Hey everyone! Last Sunday was the San Genarro Food Festival at Little Italy. I absolutely could not wait to attend this and taste all those yummy Italian dishes and treats. The Cannoli and fried oreos were my favorite.
Below are some pics of the festival and just some bits of Olive Garden. Yes we left Little Italy to go there smh. 
Check out the pics and I will be posting a video on this soon so check out my facebook page to be updated! 

Below: Fried oreos! Yummmmm

Below: While walking through the thick crowd to get to the car I ran into this girl. I loved her leggings and boots! Her boots were made out of lace! J'adore!

Below: One of the best drinks I've ever tasted! I can't remember the name ugh =(

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Dumbo Arts Festival

Last Saturday I went to the Dumbo Arts Festival suggested by a close friend. It was held Downtown Brooklyn right under the Brooklyn Bridge. The festival spanned a couple blocks consisting of makeshift galleries made out of those huge metal containers, stores, art galleries and warehouses. It started in the afternoon and went all through the night. I had such a good time. I've always wanted to visit art galleries so I was pretty excited. A lot of the stuff displayed were really interesting and out of this world!

(Below: This guy had a hologram of clocks going out of control and then turning into flowers)

(Below: A picture of me. This was very cool!)

(Below: Lazers)

(Below: Food Trucksssss!!!!!)

(Looking at 3d images with 3d glasses)

(Below: Trapped in a rope house)

(Below: Gorilla made from foil paper)

Saturday, September 17, 2011

From Chelsea Market to Magnolia Bakery

Yesterday was a beautiful day so I took full advantage of it! My friend and I took a trip to Chelsea to check out the Chelsea Market and decided to walk around for a bit after. We aimlessly walked around and stumbled upon a platform that was once a railway for the subway which was beautifully turned into a park. The day ended at Grand Central Station where we nom nommed lol some delicious goodies! ^_^  We needed to end it off with some dessert after some delish pizzas that we had for lunch. I thought you might like to see some clips. Hope you enjoy! xx
PS. if you want to see a video of everything above ^^ you can check it out on my youtube channel! 

I absolutely LOVE this building esp the windows!

List of stores, restaurants, bakeries and groceries at Chelsea Market

COOL! ^_^

I was unaware of this pic until I came home and saw it on my cam. Thanks Jason! ^_^

We are on the 'platform park' (idk if that's the correct term) and I thought this was so cool. At first glance I was like OMG anyone could jump off and die! but then I noticed the glass window lol.

I was being a bit nosy... shhh!

Sorry about the quality but its a still from a video clip.

On the way to Magnolia Bakery in Grand Central Station. I LOVE this building!

My magic cookie bar! yummmm ^_^