Yesterday was a beautiful day so I took full advantage of it! My friend and I took a trip to Chelsea to check out the Chelsea Market and decided to walk around for a bit after. We aimlessly walked around and stumbled upon a platform that was once a railway for the subway which was beautifully turned into a park. The day ended at Grand Central Station where we nom nommed lol some delicious goodies! ^_^ We needed to end it off with some dessert after some delish pizzas that we had for lunch. I thought you might like to see some clips. Hope you enjoy! xx
PS. if you want to see a video of everything above ^^ you can check it out on my youtube channel!
I absolutely LOVE this building esp the windows!
List of stores, restaurants, bakeries and groceries at Chelsea Market
COOL! ^_^
I was unaware of this pic until I came home and saw it on my cam. Thanks Jason! ^_^
We are on the 'platform park' (idk if that's the correct term) and I thought this was so cool. At first glance I was like OMG anyone could jump off and die! but then I noticed the glass window lol.
I was being a bit nosy... shhh!
Sorry about the quality but its a still from a video clip.
On the way to Magnolia Bakery in Grand Central Station. I LOVE this building!
My magic cookie bar! yummmm ^_^